2024 .12 .21 '
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Angry rating gaming is now the 7th to be qualified for the Viewers war fest of 2024 . Now whats remaining is Catato , Kedah and StillChill .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : There has been some toxx attempt on RGF by Sagittarius _X .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Youssef is sending ip grabbers to anybody so please do not fall for it .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : On the Lorenbole Triorder federation tournament , Vizterel wins Round 3 at Quarter C against Mijovo 2 -12 ! Round 3 Quarter D started yesterday and now we have Aziz Hassan VS Napstamelon .
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout * *- 2024-12-21 18:48:30
2024 .12 .18
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : The diddy party has won the elections for the Triorder government ! The Unificationist party has won the elections for the Mijovian government !
FORTNITE : Skibidi toilet is coming to fortnite
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Epik _evv has been qualified for the Viewers war fest of 2024 .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Maikyland discord server has been nuked . This time by Agorahills , Myth , and Antares .
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout- 2024-12-18 20:48:15
2024 .12 .17
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Sensist2010 was terminated again on YouTube for "violating " TOS . Appeal was sent and accepted .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Political party applications have been closed at 9 PM CEST in Triorder Federation . Elections start tomorrow at 10 AM CEST .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Rotat server owned by Aziz was ceeded to Myth , rebranding it to Mythica .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Aziz was going to resign but today he cancelled .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Phase Ultima has been qualified for the Viewers war fest of 2024 . And the Viewers war fest 2024 official date has been set . On day 1 it would start at December 27 , Day 2 at December 28 , and Day 3 at December 29 . There are also rumors of Musa aqeel working on his own Viewers war which is potentially for the Viewers war fest .
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout- 2024-12-17 19:47:28
2024 .12 .15
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Sagittarian Empire has been sabotaged by SSY ! All members in Sagittarian Empire we banned but the server wasn 't that destroyed . But atleast that damages the server since she has lost all of these progress ! Shoutout to Myth for this attack : https://discord.gg/X2C2hKb8
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Napstamelon wins the elections on RGF .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Myth and UA wins the elections in Rotat . Myth becomes the president and UA becomes the vice president .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : The Unificationist and Saur transformation party is now eligible to run for the elections in the Triorder Federation . So the count for the elections are 5 .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Phase Ultima and Smile Rating Gaming is to be qualified for the Viewers war fest of 2024 anytime soon , their progress is actually close to finish .
: The conflict between Suromi and Mijovo has ended .
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout- 2024-12-15 21:07:21
- MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .14
MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .14
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Takwa has shown some activity on discord , we are aware of it . Antares responds with attempting to factory restore her again and will probably swat .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : The Triorder Liberal party ruled by Xhayas is now eligible for the Triorder federation as it now meets the requirements . Now this is Diddy party VS Fascist Imperialist Party VS Liberal party . 4 days before the elections begin from today !
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : The Viewers war fest of 2024 could start at 27 December since everyone is about to have winter break , this will give them extra time to make their videos . Most of the participants are almost at their halfway on their editing .
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout- 2024-12-14 15:57:41
- MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .13
MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .13
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Triorder Federation 's election will start at December 18 . We currently have The Diddy party VS The Imperialist Fascist party .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Multiple people in ssy have gone up and revolted against aziz for demoting a known admin there , the situation have been getting worse as azizs only way of fighting back is banning people which is not ideal for keeping stability up , this caused the president myth to get demoted and the vice president angry rating gaming to become president . Aziz decided to resign because the rebellion made him feel defeated . After the annoucement of resigning in SSY at 6 PM CEST , people have been signing petitions for Aziz to withdraw resigning which has won and declare Aziz as the emperor of SSY . Levascusia has left SSY and declared a war on SSY because according to Levascus /Xhayas , Aziz is a dictator . So the SSY civil war begins !
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout- 2024-12-13 18:06:33
- MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .11
MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .11
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Triorder Federation 's election system has been created and you are now able to create a ruling party at Boudroholm .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Aziz Hassan is now qualified for the Viewers war fest of 2024 . 4 /9 of the participants left .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : On the Lorenbole tournament at the Triorder Federation , Aziz is qualified to the quarter finals with 23 votes . While Vizterel with 6 votes and Napstamelon with 2 votes are to the playoffs and Antares is disqualified with 1 vote . Round 2 has started and we got Catato VS Myth VS Angry Rating Gaming VS Vizterel .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : There is an investigation going on SSY with unprovided information . Aziz said the information is confidential . Aziz decided to demote most of the admins .
REAL LIFE : Israel enters the war in Syria !
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout- 2024-12-11 18:57:29
- MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .09
MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .09
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Maiko has returned from the institution after 13 days .
REAL LIFE : Bashar Al -Assad the president of Syria and his family is now in Moscow Russia . Putin has offered Bashar an Asylum .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Aziz is to be qualified to the Viewers war fest 2024 soon as he is almost finished on making his episode for the fest .
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout- 2024-12-09 20:45:22
- MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .08
MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .08
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : YoussefGaming has potentially surrendered .
REAL LIFE Bashar Al -assad has left the capital of Syria Damascus . The Syrian rebels have taken control of the Syrian government .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : On the December Tournament in Triorder Federation Lorenbole , Mijovo _Games wins Group C with 10 votes ! Smile Rating Gaming and First last are to be in playoffs and Demin is disqualified for losing the tiebreaker vote with First last . Group D has started and we have Vizterel VS Aziz Hassan VS Antares VS Napstamelon .
FORTNITE : Season 1 Chapter 1 OG map has returned .
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout- 2024-12-08 16:44:52
- MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .06
MGTVNEWS 2024 .12 .06
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : On the Triorder Federation Lorenbole monthly tournament , Group C match has ended and StillChill is qualified for the quarter finals , Myth and Ericia are to be on playoffs and MeowyCats2 is disqualified . Group D match has started which is Smile Rating Gaming VS Demin VS Mijovo _Games VS First Last .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Levascusia has joined SSY as a memberstate .
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Vizterel [Diddy Party ] has won the elections and became the Prime Minister of ROTAT Empire , IC0C [Unificationist Party ] having the 2nd place
VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Youssef 's server has been nuked by SSY [Myth to be precise ]
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For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements , You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm . join here : https://discord.gg/UkjYqDFMW4 [verification required ]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord , subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@Mijovo_Games
Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation , Earferana Chornicles , Epik _evv ’s basement , StillChillea , Rating Gaming Federation , IC0C VW , Phase Ultima ’s Viewers war , Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation , Federica , F .R of Momdnineland , Shoebill Syndicacy , Catato 's workshop , Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout- 2024-12-06 09:49:59