Mijopedia:Mijovia Updates
Update 19 edit
Booster Role edit
- Added server booster role - Boosters can make polls and ping the Polls role - Boosters can create 3 emojis - For every boost a booster gives, they can give a boost to an alliance of their choosing - Boosters who boost twice can now self-promote
Mini Operator Elections edit
- There'll be a mini operator election every month - The person who gets the most votes gets mini operator and the previous winner will no longer have mini operator
New Rules edit
- Self promoting and advertising are no longer allowed due to the server being dead for a long time - DM Advertising is no longer allowed - LGBTQ+ role removed due to it causing haters - Inappropriate pfp and status are now punishable - Saying "stop ping because it's annoying" is now banned - Screaming in the voice chat is now not allowed - Report with mod mail at #report channel
Server Changes edit
- Renamed server to the Bodroum League - Updated server icon
Verification Changes edit
- Unverified people will be kicked after a month - People who rejoin and don't verify will be immediately kicked - People who keep rejoiningwill be banned for trolling - Roblox fans will now have to join the roblox group - People now need to subscribe to the new YouTube channels - People now need to show their age due to the Discord ToS - Added good user/bad user question - New accounts under 1 month old will be considered suspicious for bypassing
New Channels edit
- Merged YouTube upload channels into a channel called "Video releases" inspired by the Mylo the Cat discord server - Created General #verify-answers - Changed gibaways - Added emojis to channel names - Removed #galaxy-chat because galaxy betrayed Mijo - Dekustan added a category called "Events", a text channel called "Development Chat" and a voice chat called "Development Live" - Added suggestions - Deleted #daily-dose-of-ping and #shitpost - Deleted #quote due to the quote feature being removed and it being unused - Deleted #mention-spam due to it being annoying - #public-chat is now #GloryToBodroumLeauge to match the change in Guilded - Deleted #botsinfosignupbotmikebot - Deleted #Signupbotroom due to the bot being dead for half a year - Deleted #homework and #homework-fun - Deleted some voice channels - Merged all bot channels - #fan-art channel is for the new series of the Fan art contest
New Roles edit
- Mini Operator role - Bubble gum simulator is now Pet simulator x - Renamed to New Video - Deleted New Member role due to the perms taking a long time - Renamed Medium Operator to Head Operator
Some Other Changes edit
- Created #Petsimxleaks - Warns and logs are switched from MEE6 to Carl-bot - Discontinued Guilded server - Added red diamond symbol ♦️for trusted people, verified YouTubers have ✔️
New Emojis edit
1 The Number Emojies are going to be deleted because we only used this for limited time for the Melodyfestival Voting in this server 2 Anrgy Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars] 3 Thumbsupgale [Gif] [Brawl stars] 4 Cryinggale [Gif] [Brawl stars] 5 Stressed Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars] 6 Laughing Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars] 7 Heart Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars] 8 Normal Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars] 9 Normal Ruffs [Gif] [Brawl stars] 10 Laughing Ruffs [Gif] [Brawl stars] 11 Crying Ruffs [Gif] [Brawl stars] 12 Stonks 13 Stinks 14 4K Emoji [Already created] 15 Crying laughing emoji [Already created] 16 Alex_GamesMusic [Remodel] [Already created] 17 Sus Spongebob emoji [Already created] 18 Triple Mylo [Remodel] [Old one is still there] 19 Pog [Already created] 20 Angry ruffs [Gif] 21 Heart Ruffs [Gif] 22 Thumbs up ruffs [Gif] 23 Stressed ruffs [Gif] 24 Weapon ruffs [Gif] 25 Normal Belle [Gif] 26 Laughing belle [Gif] 27 Crying belle [Gif] 28 Angry Belle [Gif] 29 Thumbs Up Belle [Gif] 30 Heart belle [Gif] 31 Stressed Belle [Gif] 32 Weapon belle [Gif] 33 Heart Mortis [Gif] 34 Drinking cola 35 Noice [Remodel] [GiF] 36 BS Thumbsdown 37 Bs Thumbsup 38 GoldhandBelle Thumbsdown 39 Kinglou Thumbsdown 40 Heart 8bit [Brawl stars] [Gif] 41 DJ [Gif] 42 Upvote [Remodel] 43 Downvote [Remodel] 44 YouTube Upvote [Gif] 45 Youtube downvote [Gif] 46 Pissed of Mijo_Games2017 [GIF] 47 Anrgy Amber [Gif] [Brawl stars] 48 Anrgy tara [Gif] [Brawl stars] 49Tara Card [Gif] [Brawl stars] 50 Tara Heart [Gif] [Brawl stars] 51 Laughing Tara [Gif] [Brawl stars] 52 Laughing Bull [Gif] [Brawl stars] 53 Brawl stars Chanpionship trophy 54 Bayern xd logo [Remodel] 55 Dobule Mylo 56 Quatruple Mylo 57 Mylo 58 DJMijo_Games2017 [Gif] 59 Stressed Tara [Gif] 60 Greedy Lyria [Remodel] 61 Brawl stars championship trophy 62 Poco Gituar [Gif] 63 Lyria_GamesTheWinterdog [Gif] 64 Marks [Remodel] 65 Troll face [Remodel] 66 Mijo_Games2024 - There'll emoji Elections for the next emoji to be created inspired by Mylo server
New Stickers edit
1 Mijo_Games2017 2 Laughing Mijo_Games2017 3 Crying Mijo_Games2017 4 Anrgy Mijo_Games2017 5 Pissed off Mijo_Games2017 6 Thumbsup Mijo_Games2017 7 Heart Mijo_Games2017 8 Stressed Mijo_Games2017 9 Sniping Mijo_Games2017 10 Flagging Mijo_Games2017 11 Glitching Mijo_Games2017 12 Exclimation mark Interrupt 13 Brawl stars Championship trophy with leafs 14 Mijo_Games2017 Surrender
Update 20 edit
Underage Changes edit
1. New global chat for everyone but with censored words 2. #Glorytobodeoumleague will be now be 13+, 13- people will chat in #13- chat 3. Removed access for 13- for some channels like #NSFW #Cyka blyat #No-rules-chat #General and some more 4. General verification and general chat are not allowed for 13- 5. Operator elections won't contain 13- people 6. 13- leaders of servers can no longer be partners 7. 13- can no longer access general category
New Channels edit
1. Immigrants channel now replaces Welcome-leave 2. Created #GloryToBodroumLeague 13 3. Made #Map-rp 4. The channel names are modified for discord and contain emojis 5. Made #Voice-chats 6. Created #Music 7. Added #Radio 8. Created #Mijo_GamesEvents-DiscordLive 9. Made #Event-Lounge 10. Removed #No-Mijo-Talk-Channel 11. Changed #Mee6-News to #Logs-channel 12. Renamed #Tos to #TermsOfServices 13. Deleted #Testing-channel
Roles edit
1. Removed 4 muted roles, troller role, new role, the oldest members, and out of jail 2. Muted roles were removed because prison role is the mute role 3. Renamed Peasant to Bodroum soilder 4. Renamed Mini Operator to 🏅Mini Bodroum Operator 5. Changed Operator to 🎖Bodroum Operator 6. Edited Head Operator to 🎖🎖 Head Bodroum Operator 7. Modified Super Operator to 🎖🎖🎖Super Bodroum Operator
New Stuff edit
1. Kerbalista, a Head Bodroum Operator, announces the Map RP 2. Censor Bot deletes swear words in some channels excluding 13- people 3. Added Droplet for reaction roles 4. Added Vexera for playing music in stage channels 5. Created the FMB Triangle (Fivecord-Mylothecat-Bodroum) containing servers that help each other
Merged channels and New Categories edit
1. Merged #Memez #Krums-Shitposting-channel #Anti-Memez #Memez-&-Shitposts #Egg #Oh-so-channel #Sus #E-chat into #Uliminate-Memes-Shitposts 2. Map RP is now combined into Events category 3. New categories: Voice chats, Text channels, Suggestions 4. Changed Language to National chat 5. Removed Talking with operators and the rest of the channels 6. Due to the report channel being dead, some fixes were made and we made ticket chats. When someone breaks a rule, people can go to #report to do a ticket mail to get a response from a staff member.
Update 21 edit
1. New partners: V1SOn Games, and Adonplays if we get 100 members 2. Made #punishments 3. Created a Christmas server icon 4. Split #Cross-News into channels: #Fivecord, #Official-Mylo-the-cat, and #V1SON-Games 5. ABUC is now a featured server alliance 6. Operator applications are starting the following Friday 7. How to verify is now a channel instead of a website 8. The server now contains ABUC
Update 22 edit
- Members no longer have to reach level 10 to verify - A reaction roles channel was made - Changed the level system and removed perms from MEE6 - Updated the rules
If you don’t know what updates are. The updates are that Chang’s of the servers. Read them all because something must be important of updating the rules of this server.
If the entire update isn’t released then it is proceeding and completing later so please standby
Welcome to the 22nd update. And the perfect timing on the date and almost released in twosday but it was never planned. The year is 2022 and the update is 22. That is an good coincidence. Anyways. This update will be exciting and a very great one you will love.
Updated in 2022/3/4
1 : Pings and Mentions
After a few months of inactivity in the server. It has gone active and people was annoyed due to roles and couldn't get their level to 10. This feature was added since 2020. That feature on Verify system to if they wanna remove one of thier roles after being verified got removed due to less activity. And now. You don't need to be level 10 to remove your roles. Now it is free! And since it's free. You can turn them on or off anytime on reaction roles channel and it will be asked on the verify system.
2 MEE6
People in conversations is hard to talk due to deletion of messages from MEE6. And due to NFTS MEE6 Made. We will have to change the level system and disable permissions from MEE6.
3 Update of MP TOS
We have recently updated the Mijopedia TOS from Discord. Click this text to read the rules. So you will avoid getting warned or prisoned
1 New Partners
V1SON Games
Adonplays [If we hit over 100 Members]
2 New Channels
- Punishments
3 New Server icon Made with Christmas 4 Cross news update The channel #Cross-news will be split into Channels
- Fivecord
- Official-Mylo-the-cat
- V1SON-Games
5 New Featured server alliance The server alliance will be featuring ABUC 6 Operator applications The operator aplications will start at This Friday 7 New Verification system We will fix the verification system by Putting how to verify in a channel instead of a website 8 ABUC Updates ABUC Server will be connected each other. VERSION 0020 1 Underage update We have got underage people of 13+ in discord which is violating the terms of services of discord but dosent get kicked. They are here for Stuff and conversations. Now there will be a New Feature for underage of 13. 1 A new Global chat which The whole members can chat there but there will be cencored words which will be deleting messages. 2 #Glorytobodroumleauge will be set as 13+ Chat which will be still a main chat but if you want to chat with everyone then you must chat in #13- chat 3 Some channels for -13 will be not showed up like #NFSW #Cyka blyat #No-rules-chat #General and Many more Channels. 4 General Verification and General chat will not be tolerated for 13- 5 Operator Aplications Will not allow people under 13+ 6 People under 13+ Leaders of server cannot be partners 7 General Category will not be tolerated for 13- 2 New Channels
- Immirigrants [Replaced by Welcome-leave]
- GloryToBodroumLeauge 13
- Map-rp
All Channels will be fixed names with cool styles of emojies. So it will be a lot of better quality
- Voice-chats
- Music
- Radio
- Mijo_GamesEvents-DiscordLive
- Event Lounge
Removed #No-Mijo-Talk-Channel Changed #Mee6-news into #Logs-channel Changed #Tos into #TermsOfServices Deleted #Testing-channel 3 Removed roles We removed 4 Muted Roles Troller role new role The Oldest members And Out of jail Why muted roles? because they are not worth it. All mutes roles are gone because the prison role is the mute role 4 New Named roles Peasant = Bodroum soilder Mini Operator = 🏅Mini Bodroum Operator Operator = 🎖Bodroum Operator Head Operator = 🎖🎖 Head Bodroum Operator Super Operator = 🎖🎖🎖Super Bodroum Operator 5 New Map-rp Introduced by Kerbalista the Head Bodroum Operator. Kerbalista has announced the Map-rp 6 New Bots Censor bot Which can Delete swear words in some channels. Expect if your 13+ Droplet bot where you can put reactions so you will receive a role Vexera a music bot that can be played in stages so it will be invited soon 7 New FMB Triangle The server called Fivecord-Mylothecat-Bodroum Is partnered each other so this server is for all partnered servers which helps each other. There will be a new site for Mijopedia of rules of the FMB Triangle. 8 Merged channels We Merged #Memez #Krums-Shitposting-channel #Anti-Memez #Memez-&-Shitposts #Egg #Oh-so-channel #Sus #E-chat Into #Uliminate-Memes-Shitposts 9 New Categories Map RP will be combined into Events Category Voice chats Text channels Suggestions Language will be changed into National chat Removed Talking with operators and the rest of the channels 10 Report Ticket mails The report channel was inactive for a long time so there will be fixes and ticket chats. If there is someone breaking the terms of services of Mijopedia then go to #Report And then Do a ticket mail. One of our staff will respond to us
1 Special role for boosting
If you boost this server you will have perks
You can make Polls and ping the poll role
You can make an emoji 3 times. If it’s a masterpiece you may get more creation emojies. Since you boosted the server you can boost an Server alliance that they can create 1 emoji. 1 boost per 1 server alliance boost if you boost 2 times you can self promote
We are making the new Mod Aplication/Operator aplication if you win you will get an Mini operator role. You need to verify to get an Mini operator. Every month we will do a mini operator voting. For who will be a mini operator in next month your mini operator will be removed but don’t worry if you win next month you will have guaranteed operator.
3 New Rules
We got a lot of new rules and some of the rules has got removed.
1 Self promoting and promoting is guaranteed not allowed and it’s not free in channels. This server has got inactive for a long time
2 dm advertising is not allowed If someone is dm advertising in dms please mention @super operator @medium operator @operator or @mini operator and we will warn it
3 the lgbtq+ role has been deleted because we have some lgbtq+ fans here but I am not lgbtq& or homophobic. That will cause haters and unsubscribers.
4 No racism status. If you have innapropriate pfp status name Etc. We have the rights to change your name or prison/kick/ban/warn you.
5 saying stop ping is annoying. You can’t say stop ping because it is annoying if you say it you will get warned.
6. No screaming in the voice chat. Actually you can use voice changer but please do not be loud. If you have Loud volume Earrape loud disturbing Music background Etc. We will kick you in the voice chat
7. If you see someone breaking the rules please mod mail at #report channel
4 The end of the MikolajVlog Website for this server
First MikolajVlog Created the website for this server. This is now going to be the official website for this server and MikolajVlog can’t take anymore for his website so he decided to quit with the version 9.
5 New Server name Server invite background And Server icon
I changed the name into Bodroum leauge because mijo_gamesdiscordchat 2! Is not a good name. I’m sorry if you liked the name but the Bodroum leauge is the thing we have now. And I changed my server icon for more quality and I changed the server invite background
6 Fixing Verification system
If your not verified over a Month we will kick you out of the server. If you rejoin this server and not verifying we will kick you immediately if you rejoin many times without verifying you will be banned in the server for troll Roblox Fans of this server will have to join the group. New YouTube channels has been added on the verification system and age must be showed because of discord terms of services and there will be a question are you a good user or a bad user if your not interrested at that you can ignore that. If you been registered in discord under 1 Month this means bypassing. Because Everytime a new discord user does something bad of its server so new discord users are not allowed because it’s suspicous
7 Channels voice chats and. categories
1 We combined mijo_games2017 Alex_GamesMusic And Others into one channel called Video releases. [Credits goes to MyloTheCats discord server our partnership.
2 General verify answers
3 Gibaways has been changed
4 were adding emojies on the name of the channels
5 Removing Galaxy chat because Galaxy is a traitor
6 Added new Category and channels by dekustan Category events: Channels Development chat and voice chat development live
7 Suggestions. Where you can suggest an emoji channel role New Update Etc.
8 daily dose of ping shitpost channel is deleted
9 Quote has been deleted because Quote has been replaced into Reply. And we don’t need this channel because it’s unused
10 Mention spam channel has been deleted because it is annoying and boring
11 Public chat Name has been changed into #GloryToBodroumLeauge because I did that in guilded
12 #botsinfosignupbotmikebot will be deleted because it’s been unusen
13 #Signupbotroom will be deleted because the bot has been offline for a half year
14 #Homework is shit
15 #Homework-fun is shit
16 Some Voice chats has been deleted due to unsuen
17 All Bots channels are going to placing into one channel
8 Fan art contest Update
The Fan art contest is going to be series now. You will post your fan art at #fan art channel and I will add it in the series. This must be related to me or the things of my videos or stuff. Credits goes to Mylo the cats discord server [Partnership]
9 New Roles
1 You already heard the Mini Operator Role
2 Changing Name Bubble gum simulator into pet simulator x
3 changing name into New Video for quality
4 New Member role will be deleted because it takes long to finish the perms
5 Medium operator will be changed into Head Operator
10 Pet simulator x leaks
I am now quitting BGS and moving into pet Simulator x. Leaks will be added in #Petsimxleaks channel in this server.
11 MEE6 Warns and logs replacing into Carl bot
I am changing them into Carl bot because in MEE6 you can’t remove the warning if it’s a mistake there’s no going back. And MEE6 is an Annnoying smiling bot
12 Guillded End of Support
The Bodroum Leauge Server in Guillded is dead we have almost no one active. And there isn’t any Annoucements going any news any videos mentioning. Guilded in my server should end of support sorry if you really liked guilded I liked it too but it has come to an end
13 ♦️ Red diamond symbol ♦️
Now you have the Red diamond on your name which means you have something cool! If you have an red diamond ♦️ on your name which means you are an trusted person! It’s like a verified youtuber but that dosent mean your verified and also If you are an verified youtuber you first need to show me proof and I will add the verified emoji ✔️ on your name
14 New Emojies
1 The Number Emojies are going to be deleted because we only used this for limited time for the Melodyfestival Voting in this server
2 Anrgy Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars]
3 Thumbsupgale [Gif] [Brawl stars]
4 Cryinggale [Gif] [Brawl stars]
5 Stressed Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars]
6 Laughing Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars]
7 Heart Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars]
8 Normal Gale [Gif] [Brawl stars]
9 Normal Ruffs [Gif] [Brawl stars]
10 Laughing Ruffs [Gif] [Brawl stars]
11 Crying Ruffs [Gif] [Brawl stars]
12 Stonks
13 Stinks
14 4K Emoji [Already created]
15 Crying laughing emoji [Already created]
16 Alex_GamesMusic [Remodel] [Already created]
17 Sus Spongebob emoji [Already created]
18 Triple Mylo [Remodel] [Old one is still there]
19 Pog [Already created]
20 Angry ruffs [Gif]
21 Heart Ruffs [Gif]
22 Thumbs up ruffs [Gif]
23 Stressed ruffs [Gif]
24 Weapon ruffs [Gif]
25 Normal Belle [Gif]
26 Laughing belle [Gif]
27 Crying belle [Gif]
28 Angry Belle [Gif]
29 Thumbs Up Belle [Gif]
30 Heart belle [Gif]
31 Stressed Belle [Gif]
32 Weapon belle [Gif]
33 Heart Mortis [Gif]
34 Drinking cola
35 Noice [Remodel] [GiF]
36 BS Thumbsdown
37 Bs Thumbsup
38 GoldhandBelle Thumbsdown
39 Kinglou Thumbsdown
40 Heart 8bit [Brawl stars] [Gif]
41 DJ [Gif]
42 Upvote [Remodel]
43 Downvote [Remodel]
44 YouTube Upvote [Gif]
45 Youtube downvote [Gif]
46 Pissed of Mijo_Games2017 [GIF]
47 Anrgy Amber [Gif] [Brawl stars]
48 Anrgy tara [Gif] [Brawl stars]
49Tara Card [Gif] [Brawl stars]
50 Tara Heart [Gif] [Brawl stars]
51 Laughing Tara [Gif] [Brawl stars]
52 Laughing Bull [Gif] [Brawl stars]
53 Brawl stars Chanpionship trophy
54 Bayern xd logo [Remodel]
55 Dobule Mylo
56 Quatruple Mylo
57 Mylo
58 DJMijo_Games2017 [Gif]
59 Stressed Tara [Gif]
60 Greedy Lyria [Remodel]
61 Brawl stars championship trophy
62 Poco Gituar [Gif]
63 Lyria_GamesTheWinterdog [Gif]
64 Marks [Remodel]
65 Troll face [Remodel]
66 Mijo_Games2024
Also I will be doing emoji Elections for the next emoji to be created [Credits goes to our partnership Mylo]
15 Stickers
1 Mijo_Games2017
2 Laughing Mijo_Games2017
3 Crying Mijo_Games2017
4 Anrgy Mijo_Games2017
5 Pissed off Mijo_Games2017
6 Thumbsup Mijo_Games2017
7 Heart Mijo_Games2017
8 Stressed Mijo_Games2017
9 Sniping Mijo_Games2017
10 Flagging Mijo_Games2017
11 Glitching Mijo_Games2017
12 Exclimation mark Interrupt
13 Brawl stars Championship trophy with leafs
14 Mijo_Games2017 Surrender