Haxxia mapper
On December 27th, 2023, Angry Rating Gaming, Mijovo, Aziz, Bamber Rating Gaming, Musedarist, and Akarian declared a war on Haxxia mapper. On January 21st, 2024, Mijovo was falsely exposed by Haxxia mapper and Scorpion. On February 24th, Mijovo exposed Haxxia the day after he exposed Scorpion.
On March 8th, 2024, Mijovo negotiated peace with Haxxia and Scorpion. On August 15th, Haxxia Mapper got hacked by the same person who hacked Random Girl and Benji.
Users(view template)Scorpion TUS - Mijovo - faqids2681 - ItzThaiAnimations - Abby - LightoZtriker - Jackifier - Antares (aka RSM/Musedarist) - Akarian (aka King AH) - First last - Edgar_games - Acepogs - RossoTX - Aziz - Haxxia mapper - Japan CSP - Logy - Angry Rating Gaming - Random Girl - Sensist2010 - Netherlads - Musa - Vizterel